I was just upstairs with daddy in his office, he was chatting away on the phone and I was a bit bored of just laying here so I decided to have a little look out of the window.
It's a lovely sunny day and although there wasn't much activity for the first few minutes I suddenly spotted one of the Naughty Twins darting across the road over to M who had just come out of her front door.
He danced around her like a little acrobat, flipping over, jumping into the drain and rubbing himself all up against her.
I think M found it funny as she laughed and AM from next door to us went across and have a little chat to her.
I must admit I was really impressed with the Naughty Twins show and he was soon rewarded with a lovely bowl of something from M, which he munched away at quickly before disappearing again. He's got the cute charm gene that one and he knows when to use it, um dangerous combination that.