Word has been spreading about this mornings trouble with Foxy Lectar and Silver Eyes throughout the day and catworld is on alert.
We've decided to take it in shifts, George, Emma and Sarah are currently resting, I think they must be taking the night shift. Twizzle I know will be keeping an eye out on her walks later and will report back to Mogsie if she see's anything.
Both of the Naughty Twins have stepped up to the plate, one is watching out the back and the other is currently patrolling both sides of the street. Mogsie has taken first watch covering the far side of the road, he's making his presence felt by sitting in the middle of his lawn.

I'm currently patrolling this side of the road on the front lawn, a place I rarely go but I think as dusk falls we need to have our presence felt.
We welcome all here in catworld but we do not tolerate trouble and this message must be got out loud and clear. It may be a long night.