He's always got a couple on the go. This one he told me is called The Magic. Maybe it's something to do with the snow coming that has made him pick that one up.
He told me that the book says that each day you should sit down and write down ten things that you are grateful for. He said that the book said that if you do this each day it can help bring about a land of real magic.
Good idea so I sat and thought for ages and compiled my list;
1. I'm grateful for the daddies. They look after me and care for me and I love them very much.
2. I'm grateful for living here. It's so much nicer than when we lived in the big city. I feel so much safer here than I did there.
3. I'm grateful for Nadia and Alo and River the rest of our family. I know it's taken a while getting used to River being around but she fits in perfectly with the rest of us.
4. I'm grateful for all my friends here in Catworld. I've made so many more friends here and although it's taken me some time to really fit in I can't image not having them around.
5. I'm grateful that I can speak human it helps me know what's going on without anyone knowing.
6. I'm grateful that I've still got my place on the bed. As soon as I came to live with the daddies Evie shared her space by daddies feet and I just don't feel that I could cope if I lost that place.
7. I'm grateful that I do have my own places that I can go to to escape everyone. I think it's important to have quiet time when you need it when I can just zone out and go deep into my thoughts.
8. I'm grateful for the food and warmth of the fire and my duvet in the office and my dreamies treats. Enough said.
9. I'm grateful for the sun and the rain and the snow. If you didn't have all of these then the world wouldn't be the place that it is and I love it.
10. and finally I'm very grateful for all my new friends that I've made since Catworld began.
Oh snow just thinking of that, this will be the first time that River has ever seen proper snow, wow she really does have a magical time to come.