River followed but much to my surprise she ran straight outside and started chasing her own tale. Always stumps me that one I just cannot see why she finds it so funny but each to their own I guess.
That's when I spotted him, Flash was back!

Flash was creeping along the back wall in a very sly way.
Since the events of the first weekend this month neither Flash nor Chameleon had been seen. There's been a few sighting of Doublay and more recently of Spit since they defected from the New Cat Crew but other than that nada.
No one's mentioned anything that happened that night however I'm sure Mogsie knows more than he's letting on.
I watched Flash as he eyed River up. I was on full but calm alert just waiting for any sign of a move towards River. I would have been straight out there if he'd done anything but Flash just watched her for a few minutes before slinking of over the back wall.
I remain on calm alert.