I still don't know what it is that she's found everyone's been keeping a very low profile today. Even daddy and River have been asleep most of the afternoon. I must take a little bit of the blame for that I decided to get everyone up early again this morning, I was awake and listening to the dawn chorus and thought that daddy would like to hear it. Silly really I know he's likes it but I guess I just wasn't thinking properly, he's so tired.
Anyway not another souls been around until later on this afternoon that's when I saw that things weren't right between that trio.

The darker Naughty Twin then ran across the road looked right at Sarah then back at his sister sitting on our pathway before blanking the two of them and running around the back.
Oh all this trouble that's been caused by this treasures, nothing can be worth that but I'm still curious as to what on earth it is that's causing such problems.