I was downstairs to sit on the table and watch what River was up to when I heard a sound from the outside, someone was trying to get in.

I've brought the wrong keys!
About a minute later I saw a set of keys flying out of the office window and the front door open.
Twizzle must have heard all the hullabaloo as she was watching everything going on from her window looking very surprised. Then all a sudden the girl came bursting in to the living room with two great big pink handbags, inside there were two other cats!

Still I was very curious and crept upstairs to get a peak. Ah so these are the mysterious Phoebe and Flo camped out in our bedroom. Still at least it's kept River quiet and occupied maybe Nadia now can come out of the hallways where she's been camped out since she woke up trying to avoid River who keeps on trying to lick her, now she's been distracted!