Daddy took River out for a walk and was gone a very long time. He'd left me asleep on the bed and I was surprised when I woke up that he had gone and to be honest a bit put out. So I came downstairs and sat in the window waiting for their return.
Up the path he came, opened the door he did then he turned around and started talking to M who came over to see River. Then F came down for a little chat and they all stood at the end of the pathway chatting away. Mogsie, Spit and Sarah were all just chilling out in the sun over the way.
I wasn't really taking much notice until I heard the word kittens. That made me sit up and take notice so I ventured outside onto AM's pathway from the open door to get a better listening position.
Just as I was making myself comfortable, I hadn't been spotted at this point, Spit came running over and whispered, Follow me.
M, F and daddy all turned around and saw us so I said OK and went around the back of AM's garden with him.
Hello sweety he said.
Well that was a bit forward I thought
Hello, I said back cautiously. What was it you wanted?
He then winked at me.
Well I'm not that kind of a girl and in any case I'm kinda taken so I ran away back home, luckily he didn't follow me.
Oh I'm so glad, when Stay daddy came in he was all of a fluster.
Bella, one of the Naughty Twins and this is the one that really shocked me, Sarah have all just had babies.
Well you could have blown me over with a feather. Sarah never said anything to me about being pregnant. I'm not sure how I feel about that we are good friends I would have thought she'd would have confided in me. I've not seen Bella around so fair enough but the Naughty Twin as well she's been around loads and I never had a clue.
Then daddy told me who the daddy was of all of them, yes ALL of them - SPIT!
OMG all three! What a player and what a lucky escape I've just had. Mind you I'm past all that now, still.
Daddy took River out for a walk and was gone a very long time. He'd left me asleep on the bed and I was surprised when I woke up that he had gone and to be honest a bit put out. So I came downstairs and sat in the window waiting for their return.
Up the path he came, opened the door he did then he turned around and started talking to M who came over to see River. Then F came down for a little chat and they all stood at the end of the pathway chatting away. Mogsie, Spit and Sarah were all just chilling out in the sun over the way.
I wasn't really taking much notice until I heard the word kittens. That made me sit up and take notice so I ventured outside onto AM's pathway from the open door to get a better listening position.
Just as I was making myself comfortable, I hadn't been spotted at this point, Spit came running over and whispered, Follow me.
M, F and daddy all turned around and saw us so I said OK and went around the back of AM's garden with him.

Well that was a bit forward I thought
Hello, I said back cautiously. What was it you wanted?
He then winked at me.
Well I'm not that kind of a girl and in any case I'm kinda taken so I ran away back home, luckily he didn't follow me.
Oh I'm so glad, when Stay daddy came in he was all of a fluster.
Bella, one of the Naughty Twins and this is the one that really shocked me, Sarah have all just had babies.
Well you could have blown me over with a feather. Sarah never said anything to me about being pregnant. I'm not sure how I feel about that we are good friends I would have thought she'd would have confided in me. I've not seen Bella around so fair enough but the Naughty Twin as well she's been around loads and I never had a clue.
Then daddy told me who the daddy was of all of them, yes ALL of them - SPIT!
OMG all three! What a player and what a lucky escape I've just had. Mind you I'm past all that now, still.