I've just had a very interesting conversation with the lighter Naughty Twin.

It's been a hot day so the window was open so we could have a proper conversation Stay was watching TV some show about people who live up North, near his friend WHS, so I knew he wouldn't be ear wigging.
He does like you you know, she said and nodded over to Mogsie sitting on the other side of the road.
He's a complicated man, a man with his pride and more sensitive that he let's on.
I know, I replied
The thing is he's had a hard past, before he went to live with M and R he was pretty settled and then one day bam he was on his own, abandoned.
I carried on looking at her very intrigued. I knew he's had a hard life before he was saved by M and R but this was information in a depth that I hadn't heard before.
That sort of thing can make you very insecure having your world pulled from out underneath your feet. Makes it hard to trust, makes you very independent.
I carried on watching her looking at Mogsie, she then turned to me.
Give him a chance, he's good a good heart.
That much I already knew.
He'll come good in the end just give him time.
And with that she was off, I'd never thought of it that way before and I looked over to Mogsie still sitting basking in the last warmth of the day, my heart did a little flutter and I swear if cats could cry my cheek would be wet.