As the Daddies went out I saw the lighter Naughty Twin sitting on the roof of the car, she was waiting for me with a message from Mogsie to be careful. Ginger Cat passed a message that he'd heard that Foxy and the New Cat Crew where not working alone.
Yes, Silver Eyes was back.
I could hardly believe my ears but she assured me that Silver Eyes had also been spotted. This was getting very serious now, it seemed like there was a full recruitment drive going on. I guess there is strength in numbers but there's only so many of us in this Catworld
Was there a plan I asked and the lighter Naughty Twin said yes there was but Mogsie wasn't ready to divulge it yet, but as soon as things had been confirmed up he would call a Cat Council meeting.
With that she was off, leaving me to my own thoughts. I was so glad when River and the Daddies came home so I wasn't here on my own.

How on earth can someone so small be so awake, so early? I'm off while I've still got a clear route.
Cats and Dogs - The Other Side