I tapped the window with my hand to see if his gaze would follow, then I would know for sure that he could see me but just like the other day nothing.
River caught sight of him too and started barking something at him, I couldn't work out what she was getting so excited it all just turned into gibberish to me.

George immediately opened his mouth to say something and ran over to him where he got a bit of a stroke before Daddy came back in and went to try and calm River down who by this point was whinging very loudly at not getting her own way, I could hear Disappears Daddy getting up she'd made such a noise she had woken him up.
There's definitely something in this, George is not acting himself and although I seem to be getting no recognition I'm sure he can sense something.
Yeah good luck Daddy by the way with trying to calm River down, she's on a proper one now.
Cats and Dogs - From The Other Side