I forgot it was Valentines Day. Stay says it's just a day of rampant commercialism but he still brought Daddy a card and a present and gave River an extra special treat, he said to show her how much her loves her. I also heard him tell River that he was missing me. I'm here Daddy, I'm here just listen out and you might be able to hear me!

George was having a wander through a few of the gardens looking a little down of mouth and Mogsie walked from around his back, another one not looking too happy today.
Mogsie looked over this way and for a split second I forgot he couldn't see me and waved over, no response back and then I remembered and my heart sank a little. It does take some getting used to this state of being and it's beginning to get frustrating that no one can see me. As soon as this damn rain stops I'm going up to The Wiseman to see if he can help me, I'm determined to beat this somehow.
Still it's fantastic to see all my loves today, I feel very lucky indeed!
Cats and Dogs - From The Other Side