George has just dropped by with a bit of an update. There's been no sightings of Flash since I saw him the other day but Doublay was spotted running across C's garden first thing this morning.
I said to George that I thought Doublay had been eliminated from The New Cat Crew but George said the instructions from Mogsie were very clear, an eye out for any member past or present, and that included Doublay and Spit, must be reported back! No one not an original member or currently living in the street was to be watched closely.

Now I know a bit of suspicion has hung over Doublay's head but Spit really? He's definitely helped out us in the past and of course is the father of half the kids around here. This is one time that I must disagree with Mogsie, Spit is most certainly to be trusted I mean he's even got a collar now and has been adopted!
George said orders were orders!