What a day it's been, full of visitors!
It all started off as a normal Sunday, Stay Daddy got up about 9 which is late for him and then Disappears Daddy got up as well almost straight away. I wasn't that surprised as the sun was out and I heard Daddy say it was going to be the hottest day of the year so far.
Well you can image what was going through my mind and I watched him for ages slinking around. I may now be on the other side but it still doesn't stop me from keeping my eye out for everyone still here and now that I can finally communicate with George my instant thought was to let him know. Flash disappeared over the back fence, looking as suspicious as ever, there's always trouble when he's around and as much as I wanted to instantly run off and find George I thought it would be better if I just watched his movements to try and ascertain what he was up to.
In they all came, the Daddymummy, her friend S and the little dog, Izzy.
I just sat next to Stay Daddy in the window watching all that was going on while keeping an eye out for George to tell him all about what I'd seen Flash up to but no sign of him so when they went outside I thought I would join them. There's no point in staying inside on my own on such a lovely day like today.
I must admit she was very sweet, a little younger than River, I'm sure I heard S say that she was about 6 months old and so was new to their family. Bless her she must have been so tired out all that running around that she sought refuge under the Daddymummies chair.
But not for long, River had a play mate and she wasn't going to waste much time in rest and started to chase her around the garden again. Still I approve, she seems like she could be a good influence on River, calming influence I mean.
Yes fantastic, there he was waiting for me by the time I got to the window. I started to tell him about Flash and what I had seen but got interrupted when everyone came in and River and Izzy spotted him.
M and R came out, probably to get a bit of a tan themselves, and spotted them talking so to divert attention George and Mogsie pretended to square up to each other as if to start having a fight. Twizzle was with then and stepped in to break up the pretend fight but I'm sure George must have let her know what was going on too. I can hardly wait for tomorrow to find out from George what Mogsie said about the situation. I do miss talking to him but I'm still not ready to reveal all to the rest of Catworld yet.
Cats and Dogs - From The Other Side