I asked him how he was feeling now and he said so much better after that sleep, he'd been out of it for nearly 20 hours, long enough to fully recharge his batteries.
I asked him if he was ready to fill me in yet but he said he had some things to do first and first on this list was calling a cat council meeting. He wanted to pre-warn me, it was time to let everyone in on what had been going on and that he was going to tell everyone that I was back as well.
George said he'd come over later on and let me know how things went and that I wasn't to worry.
Shortly after I spotted the darker Naughty Twin and Doublay going over to Mogsie and Twizzles, the lighter Naughty Twin was sitting on the garage roof waiting. I'm feeling both excited and also a little nervous at everyone knowing but it's time to let this cat out of the bag.