Well I did it.
All day I've been in waiting to catch George but as it always seems to be the case whenever I really need him he;s no where to be seen, although I must admit it has been raining heavily so I'm not too annoyed at him.
OK it wasn't that easy with George at first so I tapped on the window. Again nothing.
Disappointed I was but now that I'd started I wasn't going to give up and when Sarah and the darker Naughty Twin turned up shortly afterwards I did the same again, called out both their names but just like with the lighter Naughty Twin no reaction.
Well I know I can be heard, both Doublay and George could hear me so I guess it's a bit of a numbers game and I would just have to try everyone.
Sarah walked away but the darker Naughty Twin remained. Something told me to try again and I called out his name. He looked up with a shocked look all over his face right in my direction.
I tapped the window and his eyes moved growing ever wider.
I called out his name again and this time he ran off.
He can hear me, the darker Naughty Twin can hear me!