Sunday, 30 November 2014

Now How Do I Get Out?

I was just settling down to have an after dinner sleep with River when...

...I spotted another cat out of the window. I've been here a month and as much as I love River and the Daddies I do miss the company of other cats. The one's around here are so curious. I've spotted a big fluffy one who struts up and down the road, he's very beautiful. I've also seen the black and white one with his face all shaved off and another one who takes her Daddy out for a walk sometimes. There's also a couple of cats that live just a couple of houses away. One is black and white and the one I've just spotted is like me, all black.
I tried to get his attention out of the window but then River jumped up and scared him away.

I wasn't about to let him get out of my sight though and followed where he was going around the corner of the house.

The pull of cat company is so great within me, I must be with them. Now how do I get out of the little gap in the window?

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Saturday, 29 November 2014

I've Known Her In A Previous Life

River and I were just hanging out on the sofa when the Daddies said to River that she'd been living here 2 years ago today and that today was going to be a day of big celebrations and she could do whatever she liked.
What she chose to do with cuddle up with Daddy on the sofa and that she wanted me to stick close by her and watch over her as she slept.
Well that's not a problem at all I love being with River and today is an extra special day for her, this all got me thinking.

I've been here nearly a month myself and what a month it's been. I would never have guessed four weeks ago that I would be so at home here and have a best friend that was a dog but we clicked straight away.

I was just telling River how much I loved her when Daddy came over and started to try and wake her up, so I had to put him in his place. I love my Daddies too but, well I don't know there's just something about my sister. We instantly bonded, it's like I've known her in a previous life or something like that, we've certainly not got the normal cat dog relationship,

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Friday, 28 November 2014

I'm Discovering

Daddy is taking River out again and as it's cold she has to get herself all dressed up. He;s a bit of a one I'm discovering, I overheard him tell River that he was going to mix things up a bit and put her in her Christmassy coat.
I must say I like it, as long as he doesn't think he's going to be dressing me up like some sort of a doll!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side


*Sniff, sniff*


*Sniff, sniff*

It's OK, they don't smell!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

I'm Here!


Can't breath!

I'm here!

Look down!


Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Animal Magic

This is just perfect, Daddy, a furry pillow and his animal magic legs all to myself. Yes just perfect!

What I Saw I Wasn't Expecting!

I was just scoffing down a free Dreamies that Daddy put out for me when I heard River cry out, her head was stuck. Well if River is in peril I'm there but what I saw I wasn't expecting!

What on earth has he put on you?

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

River Was Right

I was just playing hide and seek with River when I found a leaf. River has told me all about leaves and how fantastic they are...

...but before I could think she's grabbed it from me and popped it in her mouth.

Daddy then called out to us and I saw my chance...

...and tried to swipe it from her mouth but Daddy then came over and took if from both of us and put it in the bin.

The thing is, he doesn't realise we make such a good team and we're just waiting for our chance to go grab another one. River was right, leaves are BRILLIANT!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

To See Through The Fog

I said I was doing lots of learning at the moment and today is no exception.

River is asleep next to Daddy, snoring her little head off and it's so loud I can't even fall asleep, as much as I tried, so I decided to have a little look out the window to see what i could see.

I was hoping to spot those cats again but I couldn't see them about but I did discover something even more amazing, FOG!

Yes there's fog everywhere today. Daddy saw me looking out, he must be very intuitive as he asked me if I was looking at the fog and then he explained what makes fog.

It was all very interesting but I was more interesting and trying to see through the fog and spot one of those cats, one of them have got his face all shaved off and I want to know what is going on with him, I think I want him as my friend.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

I'm Learning

Even though I'm getting much bigger these days I'm still finding out new things each day. 

I'm learning what the word NO means, Daddy says it to me when I'm trying to drink from River. I'm learning that if I do that I get extra milk in my bowl, I'm learning that if I jump on his head I get a cuddle and a belly tickle, which I'm learning I love. I'm learning that Daddy has animal magic legs that are fabulous to cuddle up on and go to sleep, nice and warm and I'm learning that if Daddy gives us a toilet roll we're allowed to make as much mess as we want. 

He calls it a special treat and I'm learning these special treats come in all shapes and sizes, steak on a Sunday, Dreamies twice a day and a new toy a week, Oh yes I'm learning lots and I've a feeling I've only just begun!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Monday, 24 November 2014

I Think I'm In Trouble!

I think I'm in trouble!

I wasn't feeling very tired last night when everyone went to bed, I think it was because I slept so much yesterday, I just couldn't go to sleep so I thought I'd see what River fancied doing.

She fancied running up and down the stairs, sounded like a great idea to me until Daddy came and got River and put her in the bed.

Well that's OK I thought I'll join her and we can bounce about a bit.

My other Daddy didn't think that was such a great idea and put me on the floor, so I jumped back up, so he put me on the floor, so River jumped down to join me, so Daddy put me outside and closed the door.

But it didn't matter as about 4am I managed to get back in and woke River up again and we decided to go for a run around upstairs, checking out each room.

This morning the Daddies weren't impressed I could tell, they kept on yawning and thanking us, but I don't think they meant it much.

Even though River said she could play some more she said we'd best let Daddy do his work, I think she's right, he doesn't look happy!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Enough Said

River's been so tired today that she's not really wanted to play with me. I don't mind though as it's meant lots of time spent cuddling up with each other on the chair watching the Daddies do there thing as the rain pours down outside.
We did both find the energy to go and fill up when Daddy called out that it was dinnertime. Well I say we both found the energy, River was out of the starting trap and I kind of got caught up in the frenzy of the moment running around not sure why until I smelt STEAK.
Enough said! 

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Where We Start Our Adventures

I've noticed since living here that there seems to be a pattern. One of my Daddies goes out most mornings and the other one stays in with me and River. River generally stays upstairs with Daddy through the day but they come down to check up on me at different points, I was allowed to join them in the secret room for a couple of days but it wasn't my fault I find everything in their so interesting and keep on knocking things over.

When it gets to the weekend the Daddy that stays with us to keep us company gets up early and the other Daddy has a lie in and sometimes River stays in bed with him.

It's all very uniformed and this consistency has allowed me to understand when there's going to be some alone time available with me and Daddy, I'm taking advantage of it now before River comes down and we decided where we start our adventures of the day

Saturday, 22 November 2014


What a day I've had. 
I was just cuddled up on River and mines chair when all of a sudden a great rush of wind flew over my head and woke me up and lo and behold it was River who had jumped clear over my head and was barking her little head off at something out of the window.

She nearly made me jump out of my skin and as much as she called at me to join in I'd been woken up so suddenly that I ran upstairs. I wasn't scared but I was shocked.

I hid behind the stair curtain to hear who it was, us cats are clever creatures you know always watching and listening even when you can't see us, it's what makes us the rulers of the animal kingdom, we're born with it.

Through a gap in the window I could see River was really excited so I knew whoever it was that had come to visit would be OK and I crept out.
I know that smell, it was the Daddymummy.
She's nice I like her, last time she came she brought me those fabulous balls with bells in and so when she offered to join in playing with me I jumped at the chance, at the ball she was making bounce up and down. 

And when River cuddled in to her I took the opportunity to really memorise her smell so that next time she comes visiting I won't run away and I can make her feel really at home. I'm so happy here, I think I've landed on my feet, mind you us cats always do!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Sparkles Like Magic Dust

It's such a cold day today that when Daddy turned on the fire River and I both ran straight to it to get cosy and snuggly. I brought a ball for us to play with later, it's amazing it's got glitter inside it and when it rolls around the glitter sparkles like magic dust.

We're only going to have a short rest though I'm full of energy today, it must be all those Dreamies Daddy has been feeding me, but I'm not going to tell River, I'm going to surprise her when she's least expecting it!

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Friday, 21 November 2014

Where On Earth?

Fabulous, Daddy is up for a game of finger swords.

I love finger swords, it's fun and it helps me build up my muscles.

Got it!

Hang on a second what's that smell?

*Sniff, sniff*

Where on earth has that been?

Thursday, 20 November 2014

To Find An Escape Route

I had a lovely nights sleep last night.

My other Daddy was away from home and Daddy got all the things from upstairs and we made a camp in the living room and we had midnight snacks of Dreamies and milk and then River let me sleep on her head, best nights sleep I've had in ages.

The only trouble is I'm all rested and ready to play and River just wants to cuddle in. I don't want to wake her up if she's that tired but I'm boiling hot now. I must think cleverly as only a cat can, I need to find an escape route without waking her up, because when she does wake she's going to have to make up a lot of lost play time!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Not The Easiest Of Jobs

Daddy said that as my other Daddy was away with work tonight that he was going to give us an extra special tea tonight. I had chicken, cat crunchies and loads and loads of milk!

River got a bit excited and got it all over her head but as she's a fabulous sister I decided I would help her out and give her a bit of a clean, after all she's always cleaning me.

I've grown quiet a lot since coming here but although I can jump right over River I can't clean her properly unless she keeps her head down. She's got such lovely hair but it does get tangled and it's not the easiest of jobs to remove bit of pepper from such a birds nest.

Finally I managed to get it out and I was so happy I jumped clean over her and planted a big kiss on her mouth. I think she was surprised, she looked it!

And then we danced!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

I'm Trapped

Daddy has had lots of people coming in and out all day, doing things, going up, down and under the stairs, lights and tools and pieces of paper.

It's all been very interesting and quiet exhausting because where Daddy goes, River follows and where River goes, I follow AND I've not met that many people so far in my life so I got very excited jumping up and down showing them what a clever boy I am.

The last one said how cute I was and gave me and River a little stroke each but then I got shy and ran up to our chair but it was OK because River came and followed me to make sure I was OK.

The only problem is now I'm trapped between her legs and she's going to sleep. Never mind at least it's warm here, I guess I'll join her. Zzzzzzz!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

A Way Back

Who knew I would ever love a dog so much?

The Daddies keep on pulling me apart from her though, not when we're sleeping or playing but when I'm trying to get her to feed me. I'm cleverer than they are though, I always find a way back, I just have to wait until they're not looking!

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