River and I were just hanging out on the sofa when the Daddies said to River that she'd been living here 2 years ago today and that today was going to be a day of big celebrations and she could do whatever she liked.

What she chose to do with cuddle up with Daddy on the sofa and that she wanted me to stick close by her and watch over her as she slept.
Well that's not a problem at all I love being with River and today is an extra special day for her, this all got me thinking.

I've been here nearly a month myself and what a month it's been. I would never have guessed four weeks ago that I would be so at home here and have a best friend that was a dog but we clicked straight away.
I was just telling River how much I loved her when Daddy came over and started to try and wake her up, so I had to put him in his place. I love my Daddies too but, well I don't know there's just something about my sister. We instantly bonded, it's like I've known her in a previous life or something like that, we've certainly not got the normal cat dog relationship,
Cats and Dogs - Another Side