You can imagine my surprise when after all the fuss of the past couple of days I was told it wasn't over with yet. River sat me down to explain that the next day after Christmas Day was called Boxing Day and things would be continuing in much the same vein.

If you can't beat them join them, so I sniffed the magic mouse and...

...then I suddenly decided I needed to go on an investigation upstairs in my bed.

I woke up later feeling a bit all-over-the-place and came down to sit with Daddy. It always does the trick when you feel a bit wobbly to go and find your safe person.
River was still very excitable and wanted me to join her in some tug of war game or something and I was just too chilled, so I closed my eyes to let her know.
Then so did she and snored very loudly!
Cats and Dogs - Another Side