The most fabulous thing has just happened. Daddy has been letting River in and out of the back door all morning. I've been watching from my favourite spot on the table amid the bric-a-brac and this time I spotted another cat sitting on the shed at the back of the gardens. I watched him for ages to see what he was doing, he just appeared to be lost in thought although at times I could swear he was looking directly at me.
Fabulous, another new cat has come to meet me.
My heart was pounding, all this time I've been trying to find a way out and here it was, the perfect escape route, an open door.
I got settled right by the door on the chest next to it, my heart pounding away, this was exciting and scary all at the same time and taking one last glance in the kitchen, great he was absorbed in what he was doing, I took a step forward and out the door I went.
Tentatively I peered around the door and spotted River trying to knock down a wall or something. I sniffed the cold air, flipping heck it was cold out here, I wonder if it's always like this?
I wasn't ready yet to go too far, last time I was out here both the Daddies were with me, so I felt safe, so I sat on the step and just watched what was going on, I'd totally forgotten about the other cat, there was so many sights and smells and thought going through my mind.
But when he came in he didn't say anything so I slowly crept out and he gave me a tummy rub and asked if I'd enjoyed myself. Damn he was OK with me going out and I hadn't taken advantage of it. River came over and wanted to play with me, and we started to play rough and tumble, I'd a lot of energy to burn off, adrenalin burning a racetrack through my body.
That was exhilarating!
Cats and Dogs - Another Side