Something was happening to me, a stirring inside, something unfamiliar, something new. I looked down and saw my fur was standing on end, bristling, it felt electric but I didn't need to see to known I felt it, like that moment you get when someone walks over your grave. I looked back up at Mogsie;
I jumped down from the window ledge, I needed some fresh air and went running outside. I wasn't sure why but I craved a breeze and needed to shake the feeling and get back to me.
I ran past Nadia and River, enjoying the sun in the garden with my Daddies, before I knew it I was up in the Peace Garden heading towards The Wiseman, but he wasn't really my destination, I wasn't sure why I was here, I stopped to catch my breath. River was still laying in the sun, I had no need to feel on alert.
The feeling passed. I'm not sure why I needed air but it did the trick, I was ready to go back in again.
Cats and Dogs - Another Side