It gave me a chance to walk around getting used to the day, a quick trip out the back and I said Happy Christmas to Craig the Squirrel before popping back in to find both Daddies up, River waiting impatiently by the presents.
Having a look out the window to see if anyone was around and I spotted George having a bathe under his car.
I searched the floor for stray Dreamies but didn't come across any before joining River for a chat, I must admit I wasn't really listening I was too busy trying to work out what my presents were.
No luck I decided to move on after giving thought to making a call but then realised I didn't know anyone's number so would be a bit of a waste.
A feathery thing on a string, genious!
River just had to see this. She loved it and we played with it together for ages.
We then had a little dance together, she's quiet a mover!
Wow thank you, a mousy thing.
Boy I'd eaten so much turkey that all I could do was take a nap, a nice long nap!
And a bit of a feed before another nice long nap in the quiet, up the stairs.
Happy Christmas everyone. Love David-Shiro, Ninja Cat!
Cats and Dogs - Another Side