I woke up to the sound of Daddy getting up off his chair, he's never that quiet, oh you should hear him when he's emptying the dishwasher it's like being in the middle of a Greek plate smashing party.
Being the sharing kind I called River over to come and join in my bounty and knocked a few Dreamies on the floor for her, that's where I made my fatal mistake. I should have realised River + Dreamies = River high. I jumped off the table when everything had been consumed thinking I could return to my seat on the sofa and sleep it off until dinner time.
Yeah well River had other ideas and decided it was time to go mad and chase me all over the sofa, living room floor, cutting off my exit upstairs. I had to hide in the plant by the back door to get to a place where I knew she couldn't. I won't be making that mistake again, always make sure you have an exit strategy!
Cats and Dogs - Another Side